Onsdag 26 februari bjuder SLU Umeå tillsammans med Umeå universitet in till Öppet hus för gymnasieelever och andra nyfikna! Det här är ett tillfälle att få inspiration och information om hur det är att plugga på SLU och en möjlighet att träffa mig – Välkomna!
On Wednesday the 26th of February, SLU Umeå and Umeå University invite you to Öppet hus (Open house). This is an opportunity to get inspiration and information about studies and student life at SLU.
During the day, inspirational lectures are offered in SLU’s subject areas where researchers talk about their interesting projects. Also, visit Umeå University’s Inspiration Fair and meet with SLU students and study counselors. Also take the opportunity to arm wrestle with the arm wrestler and SLU’s doctor of honor Heidi Andersson. Also join us on a tour to SLU at 12:30.
The lectures are held at Umeå University’s premises where the fair also takes place. At 14:00 Heidi Andersson will give an inspirational lecture at Aula Nordica, Umeå University.
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